Our Next Event Starts In:

We run events in April, July, and November! Check out our Schedule for what's next.

Follow Us!

Follow and contact us on the following links:

You can also join us on our Discord server!

Viewer How-To

So you want to watch a writing stream? Not sure what this is all about? Excellent, you’re in the right place! 

What You’re Signing Up For

When you’re a viewer in an OHHOW event, that means you’re watching our awesome streamers!

You can also write along with them during writing sprints, take part in the live chat, and contribute to the word count for the event as a whole. Do as much or as little as you like!

Getting Started: Essentials

How to get set up to view streams during the event from scratch:

Viewing Streams: Essentials

Here’s how it runs on the day:

  • Streams run for 2 hours each
  • Find the current stream on the schedule or check the announcements on the OHHOW Discord server
  • Streamers run writing sprints that you can join in on
  • At the end of each stream, the streamer ‘raids’ over to the next stream. This transfers you to the next one without you doing anything! Enjoy the ride!